The Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies July 2019
BACKGROUND - This small study looked at the of balance of the elderly who took part in a Walking Meditation (WM) which is a mindfulness practice involving awareness of slow walking . This practice that I teach also focuses intently on how one is walking possibly improving brain function and propriocetption and balance adjustment from the vestibular system, This study looked particularly at WM’s effects on ankle propriocetion and balance in the elderly .
Study involved 58 women in their early 70’s for 8 weeks 30 mins a day for 3 days a week.
Conclusions- WM improved the balance and ankle reposition sense among this group. . It can be used as an alternative form of training to promote balance and ankle proprioception. The results supported that balance performance worsens among the elders who do not engage in physical training.
I further suggest that the benefits from a mindfulness practice will also bring balance to the mind and reduce anxiety and restore calm but this is my own personal experience and many others. To learn walking meditation do get in touch with me its easy to do and you can learn in person or online and the benefits are great…
Kay Lilley Yoga Teacher and Former Osteopath -
Source: Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Vol 23, Issue 3, p433, July 2019